Friday, January 9, 2009

Dear Editor ...

So - big news. I'm getting a letter published in People Magazine!! I was thanking them for including Brad Renfro in their "Farewells 2008" edition. Renfro was an actor from Knoxville who was in many big Hollywood films (Tom & Huck, anyone??). He had a big drug problem, though, and ended up overdosing this past year. At last year's Oscars, when they had a tribute to all the different Hollywood people who had passed away, Renfro was snubbed for the sake of many lesser-known actors and "Hollywood people." Despite all his problems, he was still a great actor and worthy of recognition, so that was kinda rude on the part of the Oscar committee.
So look out for the January 26 edition of People!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

on the road again ...

Well I'm back at CN now. I came back on Sunday around 5:30 and spent the rest of the night unpacking. Honestly, I was excited to come back ... and then when I got here, I was just ecstatic! This place feels so much like home to me now. And seeing all of the friends I hadn't seen in 3 1/2 weeks ... ah, it was amazing!
Yesterday I went with that Anna and that Lindsay to visit Alex in Johnson City. It was so much fun. Especially seeing Alex and her a m a z i n g condo! I really love that girl. Well, all those girls. :)
Today I've just moseyed around. Raining a lot. I went with Megan to Subway today and got a flatbread sandwich. I hadn't gotten one of those from there before, and I ended up being pleasantly surprised!
Speaking of surprises, I am actually really looking forward to school starting. I guess after a while, laying around, sleeping, & eating sporadically every day gets kind of old. I'm ready to be back on a schedule. And I'm also very excited about my classes! All of them are very interesting to me, especially my first official graphic design class!! I picked up my books yesterday, and the graphic design typography book is mind-blowing. I love it.
Now for one of my favorite activities: organizing (seriously)! Classes start tomorrow, so I'm going to get everything in order and try to get to bed early.